What is a Blog?

Blog posts are a must-have component for your content marketing strategy. Many websites have a blog page that hosts multiple blog posts covering different topics related to your business. 


They’re usually written to be educational, informational and even persuasive pieces of content that connect to your audience. Plus, they are great opportunities for SEO ranking purposes.


The goal of blogs are not to sell – it’s to help increase brand awareness, build brand trust and credibility, and ultimately improve SEO to get on the first page of search engine results pages (SERPs) such as Google. 


Content marketing is a key part of your SEO strategy. If you want your website to rank highly on the first page of Google, it’s essential to provide quality content on your website.



That’s where Aspiro’s blog writing services come into play. 


We have highly experienced experts dedicated to content marketing and blog writing

We create content with purpose, to be overly helpful, valuable information that's also optimized for SEO.

We only create content that speaks directly to your audience in a relevant way

We specialize in other content marketing services:

Our Blog Writing Services

Blog writing services start at $500 per blog (500-1K words).


After conducting a detailed competitor blog analysis, we’ll compare that with your existing blog strategies, goals and content (if applicable). This will help us evaluate any gaps that need to be filled, unique opportunities for your business, and determine how to outperform (or outrank) those competitors on those topics. 


We also conduct research and analyze the target audience to fully understand who the content is speaking to. Content that is relevant to the audience and connects with them is the only way for content marketing to work — and that’s exactly what we can help you do.


Aspiro will work closely with you to determine the most effective content calendar that not only aims to rank for SEO, but also connects with your audience in a unique, valuable way.

blog writing services

We recommend 1 blog post per month focusing on high quality content.

The important thing to keep in mind is that quality far exceeds quantity in blog posting when it comes to search rankings. Google doesn’t measure blog posting volume, but they do measure quality, dwell time and freshness — and that comes through SEO content writing designed with your target audience in mind. 


Our Blog Writing Approach:

The moment someone makes a search on Google, the search engine’s ranking systems and algorithms sort through tons (like billions) of websites to find the most relevant results, and they display the best results on the first page of the final search results. Google looks into many factors to determine which websites they want to show on the first page, including: 

  • relevance of pages related to the search query
  • expertise of sources
  • location
  • freshness of the content 
  • time spent on site / bounce rate

The last couple points prove why it’s important to be consistent in implementing a content writing calendar – Google cares about fresh, relevant and engaging content that keeps people reading (instead of scrolling through and bouncing off quickly to another site because they didn’t find what they’re looking for). Google also cares that you’re not a copycat – your content should be unique and provide your audience with something they can’t get anywhere else. 


If your website and content is ranked highly by Google during a search query request, your page will get in front of the one who conducted the search. And that’s the main goal for working with a premier digital marketing agency, like Aspiro.


What SEO Content Writing services does Aspiro offer?

Aspiro focuses primarily on SEO content writing for websites and blogs, but our team of talented writers can write just about anything that you need for an effective marketing strategy. We have years of experience creating SEO content for digital ad campaigns, YouTube video descriptions, landing pages, email newsletters… you name it.


Blog posts are a must-have foundation block for your content marketing strategy. Aspiro will work closely with you to determine an SEO-rankable content calendar, or we can take the reins and drive the content strategy for you – whichever you feel most comfortable with. We will always provide our expertise, but highly value our client’s feedback and direction when provided. The important thing to keep in mind is that quality far exceeds quantity in blog posting when it comes to search rankings. Google doesn’t measure blog posting volume, but they do measure quality and freshness – and that comes through SEO content writing designed with your target audience in mind. We recommend 1-2 blog posts per month focusing on high quality content.


Websites also need SEO content writing due to the search algorithms and ranking systems, as previously discussed. Your website needs to have the right content and the right keywords to alert Google like, “Hey, look at us! We’re super relevant for that search query,” for better chances of getting on that first page of the search results. 


Aspiro is your one-stop-shop for all things online marketing, so if a specific content writing service isn’t listed, all you gotta do is ask.


Blog Writing FAQs

We recommend 1 blog post per month. The important thing to keep in mind is that quality far exceeds quantity in blog posting when it comes to search rankings. Google doesn’t measure blog posting volume, but they do measure quality and freshness — and that comes through SEO content writing designed with your target audience in mind.

We have found that the most effective blogs will be ones that the client provides content related to the blog topic before we get started, because they are the experts in their field — not us. They are the ones who know the ins and outs of their business, the technicalities of how things work, industry slang, customer experiences, and more. We don’t need you to create the whole blog, just provide important content that we would need to include in the blog so we have something to go off of in generating high-quality content.

We have also worked with clients where they prefer we create content from scratch and then they edit the blog afterwards. This approach is still effective, but can be more costly to the client since it will take us longer to generate content from scratch and do multiple rounds of revisions to ensure we not only have the most accurate information but also optimized for the audience and SEO.

There’s a lot of conflicting information out there on what is best according to Google’s ranking bots. Our approach is, focus less on the number of words and focus more on providing highly relevant, overly-helpful, extremely valuable content that keeps the audience engaged…and most importantly, answers everything they were looking for in that one post. Because that’s a ranking factor, too! Google penalizes websites when someone bounces out of your blog to go find the answer they were looking for on another website. We aim to write for the customer or target audience first, then optimize for SEO tactics. 

But as a general rule, we aim for 500-1,000 words per blog, which is the default for blog posts we provide to most clients. However, some longer-form content is necessary and may have higher chances of ranking on Google — which we can recommend if there is a topic we think this would benefit greatly from. Keep in mind that there is an extra charge for each blog that goes over 1,000 words to accommodate the extra time it takes for our blog writers to complete the content.

  1. Discuss goals or wishes with the client on content strategy.
  2. Send out a content form for the client to fill out to provide additional details to help us form a strategy.
  3. Create a content calendar based on feedback provided by the client, research and competitor content analysis.
  4. Create SEO-optimized content on a monthly basis.
  5. Monthly reporting on performance.

When it comes to content, ranking on the first page of Google is always the goal. But it’s important to keep in mind that SEO is a marathon, not a sprint — it could take months (even years) to rank for specific keywords depending on your competitors and industry landscape. And there’s not a silver bullet approach to ranking within a desired amount of time (if there was, we’d be doing it!). 

Ranking on the first page of Google search results depends on:

  • How many keywords you want to rank for
  • How competitive each keyword is that you want to rank for
  • How competitive your industry or business type is
  • The location of your business address
  • The location you want to rank in for each keyword
  • The target audience you want to reach with each keyword
  • Your time (and/or budget) allowance for putting consistent efforts into growing your SEO

That’s why it’s almost impossible to determine how long it will take for your website to rank on the first page of Google for any given keyword. 

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, but the next best time is today. So if you want to rank online, start now and keep watering that tree until it grows and establishes deep roots with a solid ranking foundation. You’ll eventually outrank all those who choose not to put consistent efforts into growing their SEO over time.


Curious about how we can use content marketing to grow your business? Let's chat.